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Need to add text to your image or make a photo collage?

Use our design tool!

Our Design Tool allows you to upload multiple files or photos to place on one design, add text and more!

If you are uploading just one ready design for your poster or enlargement, use the quick order wizard above.

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How do I create an account?

You create an account when you place your first order. During the first step of the checkout page, you’ll see an option to “save your order” and create an account with a password. This will create your account for future use and save your new order to the account.

You're not able to create an account before placing your first order, as an account is not needed until there is an order to go with it.

Large File Size

The file you are uploading (300 mb) is too large for our Order Wizard to process. You can try saving the file as a different file type at the same resolution (JPG’s work best) to keep the image resolution but reduce its size in MB. Alternatively, if you need to keep this file type and size, use our Advanced Order method which accepts files up to 700 mb.